Student Preception

We have a practice group in Primary Care. The faculty members are below:
Shenggao Han, MD, MPH, FACP
Robert P Snyder, DO
Xianwen Qiao, NP
Sarah Barlock, PA-C
We do both inpatient and outpatient care. In the morning, students and one of the physicians will go to Indiana hospital for rounds around 7 am. Then come to the office for clinic. Sometimes we need to go back to the hospital if there are new hospital admissions during the daytime. Students are also encouraged to participate the round with physicians in Nursing Homes, Personal Care Homes, or patients’ private homes.
Students have the opportunity to dictate H&Ps, discharge summaries, and write progress notes.
We give students autonomy with the ability to evaluate patients and make treatment plans under preceptor supervision. There are a lot of hands on procedures and tests in the office also.
Dr. Han teaches students how to interpret ECGs every other Tuesday. There are also many learning sessions for students such as morning rounds, faculty casual lectures, lunchtime learning, and sometimes industry sponsored evening learning sessions.
After 4-6 weeks of training in Caresalus Internal Medicine, all students should feel confident practicing in Internal medicine as a physician assistant (PA students) or move on to Residency program (medical students).
We welcome students to apply for a rotation with Caresalus Internal Medicine.

1.     Where should I report on the first day (room number, floor, and building if applicable) and what will be my schedule?   ----------- You should report to Indiana Regional Medical Center Dr. Bush’s office to see Loise first for orientation and IRMC ID card around 7:30 am, (phone number 724-357-7194)


2.     What is your dress code?   ----------- Dress as a professional, school white coat ok.


3.     Are there special instructions for parking?  ---------- Except physician’s parking lot from 7am to 11 am, you can park any where at the hospital campus


4.     Are there any materials that I should read or any other preparations I should take prior to beginning the rotation?  ----------- No specific requirement, but if you can check and read the H&P, PROGRESS NOTES, and DISCHAREGE SUMARY format showed in this web page in advance, then it will help you a lot when you do the rounds in the hospital.


5.     Are there any special concerns I should be aware of before beginning this rotation -------- Expect to working long hours, and working hard. Then you will gain a lot by direct hands on patient care.


6.     What can I learn after I finish this rotation?  ------------ You will learn how to do and interprete ECG, some in office procedures and get direct-patient-care experience


7.     Where is my rotaion sttings? --------- Most time you will take of ptients in the office. You will rotate for inpatients care at IRMC. You may also have opertunities to visit patients in nursing homes and personal care homes if you desire.


8.     What are additional oppertunities I can learn? ---------- Every other Tuesday afternoon for ECG training, every other Tuesday or Friday afternoon for case studies,  Medication reviews, or informal lectures. You may be invited to attend pharmaceutical sponsored educational dinner meetings.


9.     How am I evaluated? ------------  You will be evaluated based on you perfomance by a supervison provider according to your school's requirment at the mid of rotaton and end of the rotation. You are required to finish two full H&Ps of in patients for training purpose. Please see following attached H&P format an samples.

Samples of H&P

Sampl e One              Sample Two              H&P Format, required by Dr. Han 

ECG Training

Student comments

        Dr. Han, Thank you so much for making such a good rotation! I loved being able to do so much with patients and having the opportunity to see them both in the hospital and in the office. Thank you also for sitting with us and teaching us EKGs and medications. I really appreciate that you took time out of your day to try and teach us something! I learned a lot from you and really enjoyed this rotation. Kim, 1/2015.

     Thank you so much for giving me the privilege to work with you these past several weeks. You were the last doctor that I was with that treated me like practicing PA’s. I feel by your letting us to everything that we would do as a practicing PA helped me learn a lot. I like that you allowed me to do H&P dictations. It was such a good experience. I also feel like I learned more about EKGs here than I did anywhere else. I cannot express in words how thankful I am that I got to do a rotation with your practice.  Rebecca, 1/2015


We have procetion program for students with the following schools                         (LECOM)                      Medical student (MS)                     (SH)                            Physician Assistant (PA)                     (CH)                            Physician Assistant (PA)                            (DQ)                            Physician Assistant (PA)


We also procept Nursing students, Nurse Pactioner tudents and Midcal Assistant students



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